Fit in Dogs | Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies

As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the various health concerns that can affect our beloved canine companions. Among the wide array of issues, fit or seizure stands out as one of the most frequently encountered problems in dogs.

Witnessing a fit in dogs can be an alarming ordeal, instilling fear in both the pet and their caregiver. Therefore, in this article, I aim to provide you with valuable insights into the causes, symptoms, and effective home remedies to ensure your dog’s overall well-being and help them maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

What is Fit in Dogs?

A fit in dogs or a dog seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain, causing a temporary disturbance in the normal behavior and functioning of the dog. Dog seizure can be caused by various factors, such as head injuries, brain tumors, and metabolic problems.

Dog seizures can be of different types, such as generalized seizures, focal seizures, and cluster seizures. Generalized seizures are the most common type of seizure and affect the entire body of the dog. Focal seizures, on the other hand, affect only a specific part of the dog’s body, such as the legs or face. Cluster seizures are a series of seizures that occur in a short period, one after the other.

Causes of Fit in Dogs

When it comes to fit or seizures in dogs, there are several potential causes that pet owners should be aware of. By understanding these causes, you can better navigate the condition and provide appropriate care for your furry friend.

Common causes of Fit in Dogs are:

  • Brain Tumors
  • Head Injuries
  • Genetic Factors
  • Metabolic Problems

Let’s delve deeper into these primary factors that can contribute to fits in dogs.

Brain Tumors

Brain tumors are one of the leading causes of seizures in dogs. These abnormal growths can exert pressure on the brain, disrupting its normal function and leading to seizure activity. Depending on the location and size of the tumor, dogs may experience varying degrees of seizures. It’s important to consult with a veterinarian if you suspect a brain tumor as the underlying cause of your dog’s seizures.

Head Injuries

Head injuries, such as those resulting from accidents or trauma, can trigger seizures in dogs. The impact on the head can lead to damage in the brain tissue, which in turn disrupts the electrical activity and can result in seizures. It’s crucial to seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog experiences a head injury, as seizures may develop as a result.

Genetic Factors

Some dogs may have a genetic predisposition to seizures. Certain breeds are more prone to experiencing seizures than others. It’s important to be aware of your dog’s breed-specific health concerns and potential genetic factors that may contribute to seizures. By understanding the genetic predisposition, you can work closely with your veterinarian to develop a management plan for your dog’s seizures.

Metabolic Problems

Metabolic problems can also play a role in the occurrence of fits in dogs. Conditions such as low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), liver disease, kidney failure, or imbalances in electrolytes can disrupt the normal functioning of the brain and trigger seizures. Proper diagnosis and management of these underlying metabolic issues can help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in affected dogs.

It’s important to note that these causes are not exhaustive, and there can be other factors involved in the development of fits in dogs. Consulting with a veterinarian is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. They can conduct thorough examinations, run necessary tests, and help identify the underlying cause of your dog’s seizures.

Symptoms of Fit in Dogs

The symptoms of fit or seizures in dogs can vary depending on the type and severity of the seizure.

Some of the common symptoms of seizures in dogs include:

  • Uncontrolled shaking and convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Drooling
  • Urinary or bowel incontinence
  • Stiffness or rigidity in the body
  • Paddling of the legs
  • Chewing or biting movements
  • Vocalization such as whining or barking
  • Confusion or disorientation

Let’s discuss these symptoms one by one.

Uncontrolled Shaking and Convulsions

During a seizure, dogs may exhibit uncontrolled shaking or convulsions throughout their body. The movements can be intense and rapid, often involving the limbs, head, and sometimes the entire body. It can be distressing to witness, but it’s important to stay calm and ensure the safety of your dog during the episode.

Loss of Consciousness

Seizures in dogs can lead to a temporary loss of consciousness. Your dog may appear unresponsive, unaware of their surroundings, and may not recognize or respond to you or their environment during the seizure. It’s crucial to provide a safe and secure space for your dog during this time to prevent any accidental injuries.


Excessive drooling is a common symptom observed during seizures. Dogs may have difficulty controlling their saliva production during a fit, resulting in drooling or foaming at the mouth. This is a natural response and should subside as the seizure episode ends.

Urinary or Bowel Incontinence

Seizures can also cause temporary loss of bladder or bowel control in dogs. They may involuntarily urinate or defecate during the seizure episode. While this can be distressing, it’s important to remember that it is a temporary effect of the seizure and not within your dog’s control.

Stiffness or Rigidity in the Body

Some dogs may exhibit stiffness or rigidity in their body during a seizure. Their muscles may tense up, making their body rigid and less responsive to movement or touch. This rigidity usually subsides once the seizure episode ends.

Paddling of the Legs

A seizure can cause the dog’s legs to paddle or move in a pedaling motion. This motion can resemble a cycling or swimming motion, even if the dog is lying on its side. It’s important to ensure that your dog is in a safe and cushioned area during the seizure to prevent any injuries caused by this paddling motion.

Chewing or Biting Movements

Dogs experiencing a fit may exhibit chewing or biting movements, even if there is no object present in their mouth. This is a result of the abnormal electrical activity in the brain affecting the dog’s motor control and can manifest as repetitive chewing or biting motions.


During a seizure, dogs may vocalize in various ways. This can include whining, barking, or making other unusual sounds. These vocalizations are involuntary and can be a distressing symptom for both the dog and their owner.

Confusion or Disorientation

Following a seizure, dogs may appear confused or disoriented. They may take some time to regain their normal awareness and may exhibit behaviors such as pacing, restlessness, or seeking reassurance from their owner. Providing a calm and soothing environment can help ease their transition back to normalcy.

It’s important to note that the duration and intensity of seizures can vary. Some seizures may last only a few seconds, while others can persist for several minutes. If you suspect that your dog is experiencing seizures or if you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian. They can conduct a thorough examination, determine the underlying cause, and develop an appropriate treatment plan to manage your dog’s seizures effectively.

Home Remedies for Fit in Dogs

If your beloved canine companion is experiencing seizures or fits, there are several home remedies you can explore to provide comfort and support during these challenging episodes. While it’s important to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, the following home remedies may help alleviate symptoms and promote your dog’s well-being.

Creating a Calm and Comfortable Environment

Creating a calm and soothing environment for your dog during fits is crucial. Ensure the area is quiet and free from potential hazards. Dim the lights to reduce sensory stimulation, and remove any sharp objects or furniture that could harm your dog. Placing a soft blanket or bedding under your dog can offer a sense of security and comfort.

Nourishing Your Dog with a Balanced Diet

A balanced and nutritious diet plays a significant role in supporting your dog’s overall health, which may help reduce the frequency and severity of seizures. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the most suitable diet for your dog’s specific needs. Focus on providing high-quality protein sources and limit carbohydrates. Avoid potential food triggers, such as artificial additives or allergens, which can exacerbate seizure activity.

Engaging Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Engaging your dog in regular physical exercise and mental stimulation is essential for their well-being. Exercise helps release excess energy, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy weight. Incorporate activities like walks, playtime, and interactive toys to keep your dog physically and mentally engaged. Mental stimulation, such as puzzle toys or training exercises, can help prevent boredom and improve cognitive function.

Exploring Herbal Supplements and Alternative Therapies

Certain herbal supplements and alternative therapies may offer additional support for dogs experiencing fits. However, it’s crucial to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements or therapies. Some herbs, like valerian root or chamomile, have calming properties that can help reduce anxiety in dogs. Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or aromatherapy, may also be considered under professional guidance.

Monitoring and Recording Seizure Activity

Keeping a detailed record of your dog’s seizure activity can provide valuable insights for your veterinarian. Note the frequency, duration, and specific behaviors exhibited during each seizure. This record will assist your veterinarian in accurately diagnosing the condition and developing an effective treatment plan tailored to your dog’s needs.

Implementing Dietary Modifications

In some cases, specific dietary changes may help control seizures in dogs. For instance, a ketogenic diet, which is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, has shown promising results in reducing seizure frequency in certain canine epilepsy cases. However, implementing such dietary changes should be done under veterinary supervision to ensure your dog receives balanced nutrition.

Harnessing the Power of Essential Fatty Acids

Incorporating essential fatty acids into your dog’s diet may have potential benefits for seizure management. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements or sources like salmon, flaxseed, and chia seeds, have anti-inflammatory properties and support brain health. However, consult with your veterinarian regarding the appropriate dosage for your dog’s size and condition.

Utilizing the Benefits of Homeopathic Oils

Certain homeopathic oils, such as lavender or chamomile oil, may help promote relaxation and reduce anxiety in dogs. However, it’s important to dilute the oils properly and consult with a veterinarian or a professional aromatherapist for guidance on safe application and dosage.

Applying Acupressure Techniques

Acupressure, a technique that involves applying gentle pressure to specific points on the body, may provide relief and relaxation during seizure episodes. However, it’s essential to learn the appropriate acupressure points and techniques from a qualified professional before attempting them on your dog.

Considering the Role of Melatonin

Melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness, has been used as a supplement to manage seizure activity in dogs. However, it’s crucial to consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage and administration schedule for your dog.

Is a seizure dangerous for my dog?

A seizure can be a dangerous condition for your dog, and it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately if you notice any symptoms of a seizure. Seizures can cause your dog to lose consciousness, and they may injure themselves during the seizure. If left untreated, seizures can also cause permanent brain damage.

Final Thoughts

Fit in dogs can be a frightening experience for both the pet and the owner. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and home remedies for seizures can help you manage this condition and keep your furry friend healthy. It is essential to provide your dog with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a stress-free environment to reduce the risk of seizures. If you notice any symptoms of a seizure, it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately.


Kane Dan

I’m a pet lover having years of pet care and grooming experience. I am sharing my experience and tips with all the pet owners so they can also keep their pup healthy, happy, and clean!