Difference Between Labrador and Labrador Retriever?

Dog breeds such as the Labrador Retriever are often referred to as “Labrador dogs” or “Labrador Retriever dogs” interchangeably when discussing one of their most popular breeds. However, there is a difference between the two terms, and understanding this difference can help us appreciate the unique characteristics of this beloved breed.

What is a Labrador Dog?

The term “Labrador Dog” refers to any dog that is native to the Labrador region in Canada. This region is located in the northeastern part of the country, known for its rugged terrain, harsh winters, and abundant wildlife. Environmental factors have played a significant role in shaping the physical and mental characteristics of dogs native to this area.

Labrador Dogs are usually used for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities, due to their physical attributes and instincts. They are also known for their strength, endurance, and loyalty to their owners.

What is a Labrador Retriever Dog?

The term “Labrador Retriever Dog” refers specifically to the breed that we know and love today. This breed was developed in the 19th century by English breeders who sought to create a versatile and reliable hunting companion. They accomplished this by crossing various retrievers, setters, and spaniels with the St. John’s Water Dog, a breed that was native to the Labrador region.

The Labrador Retriever breed is recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other kennel clubs around the world. They are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, intelligence, trainability, and their physical attributes such as their strong and sturdy build, thick and waterproof coat, and webbed feet, which make them excellent swimmers. These features make them suitable for a wide range of activities, from hunting and retrieving to search and rescue and therapy work.


The appearance of Labrador Dogs and Labrador Retriever Dogs is similar, but there are some subtle differences between them. It is generally believed that Labrador Dogs are larger and have a more rugged, natural appearance.

They also have a thick and waterproof coat that is designed to protect them from the harsh weather of the Labrador region. On the other hand, Labrador Retriever Dogs are more refined, with a slicker coat that is designed to make them more aerodynamic and agile.

Personality and Temperament:

When it comes to personality and temperament, both Labrador Dogs and Labrador Retriever Dogs are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, loyalty, and intelligence. However, Labrador Dogs tend to be more independent and reserved, while Labrador Retriever Dogs are more sociable and outgoing.

There is a difference between them as a result of their breeding and training. Labrador Dogs are usually bred and trained for hunting and other outdoor activities, whereas Labrador Retriever Dogs are usually bred and trained as companions.


In conclusion, the terms “Labrador Dog” and “Labrador Retriever Dog” may seem interchangeable, but they do have distinct meanings. The Labrador region is the birthplace of the breed, and it played a crucial role in shaping the characteristics of the dogs that are native to this region.

The Labrador Retriever Dog is a specific breed that was developed by English breeders, inheriting the best characteristics of the native dogs of Labrador region, that has been recognized by kennel clubs around the world. Understanding this distinction can help us appreciate the unique history and characteristics of this beloved breed.

With their friendly and outgoing personalities, intelligence, trainability, and physical attributes, Labrador Retriever Dogs are one of the most versatile and beloved dog breeds in the world.


Is a Labrador the same as a Labrador Retriever?

The terms “Labrador” and “Labrador Retriever” are interchangeable and refer to the same breed of dog. The official name for this breed is “Labrador Retriever,” but it is commonly referred to simply as “Labrador.”

Why is Labrador called Retriever?

The Labrador breed of dog is called a “Retriever” because it is bred and trained to retrieve items, particularly game during hunting. They are known for their excellent sense of smell, and their ability to quickly and efficiently find and retrieve game. Their strong jaws and soft mouths allow them to carry game, such as ducks and geese, without causing damage. They are also used for retrieving other items such as lost or missing items, as well as being trained as service dogs.

Kane Dan

I’m a pet lover having years of pet care and grooming experience. I am sharing my experience and tips with all the pet owners so they can also keep their pup healthy, happy, and clean!